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Tuesday, December 01, 2009


The german & I drove to Georgia, anxious for a getaway from an unseasonably hot South Florida autumn. It seemed things were already beginning to change as we rolled through Gainesville, FL. Leaves had turned somewhat, there was a bit of a chill in the air... 

We were quite excited about the days ahead. With plans to stop in the ATL and visit with my old college friend, Jen & her family for a couple days. From there a major shopping spree at Trader Joe's & then, on up into the cozy, laid back, charming, unpretentious Georgia mountains for a few day's stay with my dear family.
Am going to spend the next couple blogs filling you in on a handful of details from my Thanksgiving adventure that I'm thinking you might take interest in. Please bear with me, am all out of sorts these last few days. Hope you all had a relaxing, thankful, thanksgiving full of yumminess & love.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

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